Born in Paris in 1905, Sartre was a professor of philosophy when he joined the French Army at the outbreak of World War II. Captured by the Germans, he was released, after nearly a year, in 1941. He immediately joined the French resistance as a journalist. In the postwar era Jean-Paul Sartre - philosopher, critic, …

Az Ördög és a Jóisten Jean-Paul Sartre drámája, aminek megjelenése 1950-re datálható. A dráma premierje Párizsban, a Théâtre Antoine-ban volt, 1951-ben. A darab főhőse Götz von Berlichingen, a Német parasztháború egyik főszereplője, akit sokan mások is megénekeltek. A művet Sartre legjobb darabjának tartják. A világ …

Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 2007 Pages: 192 Publisher: New Directions Publishing Nausea is the story of Antoine Roquentin a French writer who is horrified at his withown existence In impressionistic diary form he ruthlessly catalogs his every feeling and sensation. His thoughts culminate in a pervasive. …