The Quick Red Fox is the fourth novel in the Travis McGee series by John D. MacDonald. In it, McGee is hired to aid a fictitious Hollywood star named Lysa Dean who is being blackmailed with revealing photographs. A note for future expansion of this article: In Chapter 6, McGee is thinking "Not necessarily Helo'ise and …
The Scarlet Ruse is the fourteenth novel in the Travis McGee series by John D. MacDonald. The plot revolves around McGee's investigation in to some extremely valuable rare postage stamps which have been stolen.
The Turquoise Lament is the fifteenth novel in the Travis McGee series by John D. MacDonald. It focuses on McGee's involvement with an old acquaintance, Pidge, who believes her husband Howie Brindle is trying to kill her to acquire her considerable inheritance. It takes place primarily in Hawaii and other Pacific Rim …