image of 尤·奈斯博


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《雪人》是挪威作家尤·奈斯博所著的犯罪小說,是哈利·霍勒系列的第七本小說,於2007年出版,此書曾入圍都柏林文學獎。Working Title Films亦宣布將此書改編成電影上畫,預計2013年完成,由馬丁·史柯西斯執導。

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The Redeemer is a novel by popular Norwegian crime-writer Jo Nesbø, part of his Harry Hole series.

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The Bat is a crime novel by Norwegian writer Jo Nesbø, the first in the Harry Hole series.

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Cockroaches is a crime novel by Norwegian writer Jo Nesbø, the second in the Harry Hole series. The Norwegian Ambassador to Thailand is found stabbed to death in a very questionable motel on the outskirts of Bangkok. Harry Hole - a highly insubordinate police officer and an alcoholic to boot, but also the most …

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Phantom is a crime novel by Norwegian novelist, Jo Nesbø. Its Norwegian title is Gjenferd, which does not directly translate to Phantom; rather it translates to a word similar to "ghosts". Phantom is the ninth novel featuring Nesbø's crime detective, Inspector Harry Hole.