image of Gene Wolfe

Gene Wolfe

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Kiduttajan varjo on Gene Wolfen vuonna 1980 ilmestynyt tieteisromaani. Teos on ensimmäinen osa Uuden auringon kirjaa. Kirjan on julkaissut suomeksi vuonna 2012 Gummerus ja suomentanut Johanna Vainikainen-Uusitalo. Suomennos sai vuoden 2013 Tähtivaeltaja-palkinnon vuoden parhaana tieteiskirjana.

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Innocents Aboard is a short story collection by American science fiction and fantasy author Gene Wolfe published in 2004. The stories are primarily fantasy or horror, not science-fiction. The title is an homage to Mark Twain's first book, The Innocents Abroad. The book was nominated for a Locus Award in 2005.

... Unknown

In Green's Jungles is a book published in 2000 that was written by Gene Wolfe.

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In a future North America at once familiar and utterly strange, a young man and woman, Skip and Chelle, fall in love and marry. But Chelle is enlisted in the military, there is a war on, and she must serve her tour of duty before they can settle down. Earth is fighting a war with aliens in distant star systems, and …