Inferno is the first part of Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. It is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso. It is an allegory telling of the journey of Dante through Hell, guided by the Roman poet Virgil. In the poem, Hell is depicted as nine circles of suffering located within the Earth. …
İlahi Komedya, Dante tarafından 14. yüzyılın ilk yarısında yazılmış, İtalyan edebiyatının en meşhur epik şiiri ve dünya edebiyatının önemli bir başyapıtı. Komedya'da Dante, ölüm sonrası sırasıyla Cehennem, Araf ve Cennette geçen seyahati, hikâyenin kahramanı da olan kendisinin ağzından anlatır. Orta Çağda "Komedya", …
This splendid verse translation by Allen Mandelbaum provides an entirely fresh experience of Dante's great poem of penance and hope. As Dante ascends the Mount of Purgatory toward the Earthly Paradise and his beloved Beatrice, through "that second kingdom in which the human soul is cleansed of sin," all the passion …
Originally released on 3 CDs in abridged form. Now available on 4 CDs unabridged. "I have been in the Heaven that takes up most of his light, and saw things there that those who descend from that height cannot speak of or forget..." Led by his guide Beatrice, Dante leaves the Earth behind and soars through the …
La Vita Nuova or Vita Nova is a text by Dante Alighieri published in 1295. It is an expression of the medieval genre of courtly love in a prosimetrum style, a combination of both prose and verse. Besides its content, it is notable for being written in Italian, rather than Latin; with Dante's other works, it helped to …
Monarchia ya da De Monarchia, Dante Alighieri'nin laik iktidar ile dini iktidarı ele aldığı bir incelemedir. Dante bu Latince metniyle, dönemin en ihtilaflı konularından biri hakkında görüşünü dile getirmiş oluyordu: Kutsal Roma İmparatoru'nun temsil ettiği laik otorite ile papanın temsil ettiği dini otorite. …