„Rossz vidék ez az isteneknek” Az Amerikai istenek Neil Gaiman angol író regénye. Hugo-, Nebula-, Locus- és Bram Stoker-díjat nyert. Nem sokkal a megjelenése után az „Év könyvének” választotta többek között a Washington Post, a San Francisco Chronicle, a Denver Post és az Amazon.com is.

The world will end on Saturday. Next Saturday. Just before dinner, according to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, the world's only completely accurate book of prophecies written in 1655. The armies of Good and Evil are amassing and everything appears to be going according to Divine Plan. Except …

Richard Mayhew is a young man with a good heart and an ordinary life, which is changed forever when he stops to help a girl he finds bleeding on a London sidewalk. His small act of kindness propels him into a world he never dreamed existed. There are people who fall through the cracks, and Richard has become one of …

Anansi Boys is a novel by Neil Gaiman. In the novel, "Mr. Nancy", an incarnation of the West African trickster god Anansi, dies, leaving two sons, who in turn discover each other. The novel follows their adventures as they explore their common heritage. Anansi Boys was published on 20 September 2005 and was released …

A Coraline Neil Gaiman ifjúsági horror/fantasy regénye, amelyet 2002-ben adott ki a Bloomsbury és a Harper Collins kiadó. 2002-ben Bram Stoker-díjat, 2003-ban pedig Hugo-díjat és Nebula-díjat nyert. 2008-ban Henry Selick rendezett belőle stop-motion filmet.

In this Newbery Medal-winning novel, Bod is an unusual boy who inhabits an unusual place—he's the only living resident of a graveyard. Raised from infancy by the ghosts, werewolves, and other cemetery denizens, Bod has learned the antiquated customs of his guardians' time as well as their ghostly teachings—such as the …

Catch a fallen star . . .Tristran thorn promised to bring back a fallen star. So he sets out on a journey to fulfill the request of his beloved, the hauntingly beautiful Victoria Forester—and stumbles into the enchanted realm that lies beyond the wall of his English country town. Rich with adventure and magic, …

Preludes and Nocturnes includes material originally published as The Sandman Issues #1-8,First Printing; The Doll's House includes material originally published as Sandman Issues #8-16,Second printing; Dream Country includes material originally published as Sandman Issues #17-20. In very good condition with some light …

A Tükör és füst Neil Gaiman második, 1998-ban megjelent novellagyűjteménye, amely 32 korai történetet és verset tartalmaz. Magyarul 1999-ben jelent meg a Beneficium Kiadó jóvoltából, ebben a legtöbb történetet Horváth Norbert fordította. 2011-ben ismét kiadta az Agave, ebben a novellák többségét újra …

Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders is a collection of short stories and poetry by English author Neil Gaiman. It was published in the US and UK in 2006 by HarperCollins and Headline Review. Most of the stories in this book are reprints from other sources:. Gaiman says in the introduction that the original …