image of Neal Stephenson

Neal Stephenson

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Snow Crash er den tredje romanen av Neal Stephenson. Den kom første gang ut i 1992. Originalspråket er engelsk, og den er oversatt til flere språk, også til norsk. Det er en science fictionroman av typen cyberpunk eller postcyberpunk. Den er full av svart humor og satire. Som mange andre av Stephensons bøker, …

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Debido a la colisión con un meteorito, la Luna estalla en siete pedazos y el cielo de la Tierra deja de ser tal y como lo conocemos. Al contrario de lo que se podría pensar, las mareas no son el principal problema de la ausencia de la Luna, sino los restos de ella que siguen orbitando alrededor de nuestro planeta. Los …

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Quicksilver is a historical novel by Neal Stephenson, published in 2003. It is the first volume of The Baroque Cycle, his late Baroque historical fiction series, succeeded by The Confusion and The System of the World. Quicksilver won the Arthur C. Clarke Award and was nominated for the Locus Award in 2004. Stephenson …

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In this wonderfully inventive follow-up to his bestseller Cryptonomicon, Neal Stephenson brings to life a cast of unforgettable characters in a time of breathtaking genius and discovery, men and women whose exploits defined an age known as the Baroque. Daniel Waterhouse possesses a brilliant scientific mind -- and yet …

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A chronicle of the breathtaking exploits of "Half-Cocked Jack" Shaftoe -- London street urchin-turned-legendary swashbuckling adventurer -- risking life and limb for fortune and love while slowly maddening from the pox. . . and Eliza, rescued by Jack from a Turkish harem to become spy, confidante, and pawn of royals …