I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon is a book by Philip K. Dick, a collection of 10 science fiction short stories and one essay. It was first published by Doubleday in 1985 and was edited by Mark Hurst and Paul Williams. Many of the stories had originally appeared in the magazines Fantasy and Science Fiction, Worlds of …
Humpty Dumpty w Oakland – to realistyczna powieść Philipa K. Dicka. Powstała w 1960 roku, była odrzucana przez poszczególnych wydawców i pierwszej publikacji doczekała się dopiero w 1986 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii przez wydawnictwo Gollancz ltd. W Ameryce wydana po raz pierwszy w 2007 roku przez Tor Books. W Polsce …
"Human Is" is a science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick. It was first published in Startling Stories, Winter 1955. The plot centers on the crisis facing a woman whose cold and emotionally abusive husband returns from a survey mission to the dying planet Rexor IV, changed for the better—his psyche was replaced by …
Gather Yourselves Together is an early novel by the science fiction author Philip K. Dick, written around 1948-1950, and published posthumously by WCS Books in 1994. As with many of his early books which were considered unsuitable for publication when they were first submitted as manuscripts, this was not science …