Dr. Bloodmoney is a post-nuclear-holocaust masterpiece filled with a host of Dick’s most memorable characters: Hoppy Harrington, a deformed mutant with telekinetic powers; Walt Dangerfield, a selfless disc jockey stranded in a satellite circling the globe; Dr. Bluthgeld, the megalomaniac physicist largely …

The Transmigration of Timothy Archer is a 1982 novel by Philip K. Dick. As his final work, the book was published shortly after his death in March 1982 following a series of strokes, although it was written the previous year. The book was originally titled Bishop Timothy Archer. The novel was nominated for the Nebula …

The Divine Invasion is a BSFA Award nominated 1981 science fiction book by Philip K. Dick. It is the second book in the gnostic VALIS trilogy, and takes place in the indeterminate future, perhaps a century or more after VALIS. It was originally titled, "Valis Regained". After the fall of Masada in 74 AD, God, or "Yah" …

Time Out of Joint is Philip K. Dick’s classic depiction of the disorienting disparity between the world as we think it is and the world as it actually is. The year is 1998, although Ragle Gumm doesn’t know that. He thinks it’s 1959. He also thinks that he served in World War II, that he lives in a quiet little …

Martian Time-Slip is a 1964 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. The novel uses the common science fiction concept of a human colony on Mars. However, it also includes the themes of mental illness, the physics of time and the dangers of centralized authority. The novel was first published under the title All We …


『流れよ我が涙、と警官は言った』は、アメリカのSF作家フィリップ・K・ディックのSFサスペンス小説。 1974年に発表され、翌1975年に ジョン・W・キャンベル記念賞を受賞した。同年のネビュラ賞最終候補にも挙がっていた。日本では1981年に友枝康子によって翻訳され、サンリオSF文庫から刊行された。1989年にハヤカワ文庫から『流れよわが涙、と警官は言った』の題名で再刊、2013年にハヤカワ文庫・新装版が刊行された。 …

VALIS is a 1981 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. The title is an acronym for Vast Active Living Intelligence System, Dick's gnostic vision of one aspect of God. It is the first book in the incomplete VALIS trilogy of novels, followed by The Divine Invasion. The planned third novel, The Owl in Daylight had not …