The Deceiver is a novel by Frederick Forsyth, about a retiring agent of the British SIS named Sam McCready. He is the head of Deception, Disinformation and Psychological Operations, and his maverick but brilliant successes have led to his nickname "The Deceiver."
The Veteran is a short story collection by British author Frederick Forsyth. The book was first published on 8 September 2001, through Thomas Dunne Books and includes five of Forsyth's short stories. This is the second short story collection by the author, following the release of his 1982 collection, No Comebacks.
The Fist of God is een boek van de Britse schrijver Frederick Forsyth over de Golfoorlog van 1991. Irak heeft een atoombom weten te ontwikkelen, en het is zaak te ontdekken waar het wapen is en het wapen te vernietigen voor Saddam Hoessein het kan gebruiken.
Avenger is een thriller van de schrijver Frederick Forsyth die uitkwam in september 2003.
Emeka a biography by Frederick Forsyth about his friend Colonel Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, head of the state of Biafra, a republic that seceded from Nigeria and was briefly independent. The book was published in 1982. In 1991 a revised edition was published. "Emeka" is an abbreviation of the Igbo name "Chukwuemeka".