First published in English in 1965, "The Reawakening" is Primo Levi's bestselling sequel to his classic memoir of the Holocaust, "Survival in Auschwitz." The inspiring story of Levi's liberation from the German death camp in January 1945 by the Red Army, it tells of his strange and eventful journey home to Italy by …
The Drowned and the Saved is a book of essays on life in the Nazi Vernichtungslager by Italian-Jewish author and Holocaust survivor Primo Levi, drawing on his personal experience as an inmate of Auschwitz. Whereas If This is a Man was autobiographical The Drowned and the Saved is an attempt at an analytical approach. …
Writer Primo Levi (1919-1987), an Italian Jew, did not come to the wide attention of the English-reading audience until the last years of his life. A survivor of the Holocaust and imprisonment in Auschwitz, Levi is considered to be one of the century's most compelling voices, and The Periodic Table is his most famous …
Hvis dette er et menneske er en selvbiografisk roman fra 1947 av Primo Levi som handler om tiden han tilbrakte som jødisk fange i Auschwitz. Boken er den første i en serie på to bøker, hvor den andre, Våpenstillstanden, beskriver den strabasiøse ni måneder lange hjemreisen fra konsentrasjonsleiren til Torino i Italia. …