Pierścień – napisana w 1970 roku powieść science fiction autorstwa Larry'ego Nivena, za którą autor otrzymał nagrodę Hugo oraz Nebula. Rozpoczynająca cykl Opowieści ze znanego kosmosu. Akcja rozgrywa się w przyszłości – gdy ludzkość spotkała już inne cywilizacje i nauczyła się już z nimi współegzystować rozszerzając …

Writing separately, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle are responsible for a number of science fiction classics, such as the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning Ringworld, Debt of Honor, and The Integral Trees. Together they have written the critically acclaimed bestsellers Inferno, Footfall, and The Legacy of Heorot, among …

The Ringworld Engineers is a 1979 science fiction novel by Larry Niven. It is the first sequel to Niven's award-winning Ringworld and was nominated for both the Hugo and Locus Awards in 1981.

Footfall is a 1985 science fiction novel written by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. It was nominated for both the Hugo and Locus Awards in 1986, and was a No. 1 New York Times Bestseller.

Protector is a 1973 science fiction novel by Larry Niven, set in his Known Space universe. It was nominated for the Hugo in 1974, and placed fourth in the annual Locus poll for that year. The work fleshes out a species called the Pak, originally introduced in a 1967 story called The Adults, which forms the first half …

The Gripping Hand is a 1993 novel by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. It is a sequel to their multi-award-nominated 1974 work The Mote in God's Eye. The Gripping Hand is, chronologically, the last novel to be set in the CoDominium universe. In the United Kingdom, it was released as The Moat around Murcheson's Eye. The …

The Ringworld Throne is a novel by Larry Niven, first published in 1996. It is the direct sequel to his previous work The Ringworld Engineers. He wrote it as a replacement after being unable to finish his contracted novel The Ghost Ships, the sequel to The Integral Trees and The Smoke Ring.

The Integral Trees is a 1984 science fiction novel by Larry Niven. Like much of Niven's work, the story is heavily influenced by the setting: a gas torus, a ring of air around a neutron star. A sequel, The Smoke Ring, was published in 1987. It was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1984 and the Hugo …

"Neutron Star" is an English language science fiction short story written by Larry Niven. It was originally published in the August 1966 issue of Worlds of If. It was later reprinted in Neutron Star, and Crashlander. The story is set in Niven's fictional Known Space universe. It is notable for including a neutron star …

Dziedzictwo Heorotu – powieść science fiction Larry Nivena, Jerry'ego Pournelle'a i Stevena Barnesa napisana w 1987 roku. W języku polskim wydana przez Rebis w 1999 roku, a przetłumaczył ją Jan Pyka. Jest to pierwszy tom opisujący przygody ludzi na Avalonie, czwartej planecie w układzie Tau Ceti, znajdującym się w …