En förlorad värld: kapten Charles Ryders andliga och världsliga minnen, även översatt till svenska med undertiteln Heliga och profana minnen ur kapten Charles Ryders liv, är en roman från 1945 av den brittiska författaren Evelyn Waugh. Romanen, som Waugh kallade sitt magnum opus, handlar om Guds nåd och hur nåden når …
After seven years of marriage, the beautiful Lady Brenda Last has grown bored with life at Hetton Abbey, the Gothic mansion that is the pride and joy of her husband, Tony. She drifts into an affair with the shallow socialite John Beaver and forsakes Tony for the Belgravia set. In a novel that combines tragedy, comedy, …
Helena, published in 1950, is the sole historical novel of Evelyn Waugh. It follows the quest of Helena to find the relics of the cross on which Christ was crucified. Helena, a Christian, was the mother of the Roman emperor Constantine I. The book has been described as lacking the characteristic biting satire for …
Guy Crouchback, determined to get into the war, takes a commission in the Royal Corps of Halberdiers. His spirits high, he sees all the trimmings but none of the action. And his first campaign, an abortive affair on the West African coastline, ends with an escapade which seriously blots his Halberdier copybook. Men at …