"That is where the story begins, in your body and everything will end in the body as well." On January 3, 2011, exactly one month before his sixty-fourth birthday, internationally acclaimed novelist Paul Auster sat down and wrote the first entry of Winter Journal, his unorthodox, beautifully wrought examination of his …
Karisiyla iki kucuk oglunu bir ucak kazasinda yitiren David Zimmer, yasayan bir oluye donusmustur, kederini alkole gomerken gunlerini kendine aciyarak gecirmeyi surdurur. Bir gece televizyon izlerken, sessiz film doneminin komedi oyuncularindan Hector Mann uzerine bir belgesele rastlayinca hayata bakisi bir anda …
Bir yatak, bir yazi masasi ve bir iskemleden baska bir sey bulunmayan, tek kapili, tek pencereli bir oda. Yasli bir adam, bu odada bellegini yitirmis olarak uyanir. Kim oldugunu, buraya nasil geldigini animsamaz. Odaya gelen belli belirsiz kisiler, Bay Bos'a animsayamadigi suclar yoneltirler, kimligi ve gecmisine …
Her kitabiyla bizi yeniden sasirtan, her seferinde bambaska seruvenlerle, bambaska dunyalarla bulusturan Paul Auster, bu kez de Saint Louis'in arka sokaklarinda yetisen oksuz, bickin bir gencle, Walt'la tanistiriyor bizi; ama siradan bir genc degil bu, kendisine sahip cikan bir Macar'la tanistiktan sonra hayati …
A fireman and a gambler enter a poker game with two rich eccentrics, risking everything on the single blind turn of a card. Jim Nashe is the Boston fireman, who needs music as a life crutch. His wife abandons him just before his father dies, leaving him money that he squanders aimlessly while driving around America. …