Backwards to Britain is a semi-autobiographical novel by the French writer Jules Verne, written in the fall and winter of 1859–1860 and not published until 1989. The novel follows the travels of two Frenchmen, Jacques and Jonathan, on a journey from Paris to Scotland.
Az elveszett világ 1912-ben megjelent sci-fi regény, melynek szerzője a brit Arthur Conan Doyle. A műben egy világhírű tudós, George Edward Challenger professzor expedíciót indít egy dél-amerikai fennsíkra, ahol állítólag őslények élnek.
The Chase of the Golden Meteor is a novel by Jules Verne. It was one of the last novels written by the prolific French hard science fiction pioneer and was only published in 1908, three years after his death. It is one of seven such posthumous novels, many of which were extensively edited by his son. Verne himself …