Sommaren 1888 anländer Knut Hamsun till Köpenhamn, dåtidens kulturcentrum i Norden. Desillusionerad - euforisk - river han manuskriptet som skulle göra hans litterära karriär. Han stannar i staden, för nu vet han: Hamsun ska skriva sig fram till »det som ingen ännu känner«, till något litteraturen aldrig sett. …

Pan is an 1894 novel by Norwegian author Knut Hamsun. Writing it while he lived in Paris and in Kristiansand, Norway, Hamsun was directly influenced by the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky. It remains one of his most famous works today.

Markens gröda är en roman skriven av den norske författaren Knut Hamsun. Den gavs ut för första gången 1917 och bidrog till att Hamsun fick Nobelpriset i litteratur 1920. Den filmatiserades 1921 i regi av Gunnar Sommerfeldt, se Markens gröda. Romanen är den episka berättelsen om Isak Sellanraa, som bryter ny mark i …

The main character, like the title says, is a mysterious guy. Nagel arrives in a Norwegian town with plenty of money and goodwill, and though kind of an eccentric, seems to start to fit in with the local crowd. But it's almost as if Nagel only just landed on Earth, and while he wishes to live correctly, has no idea …

On Overgrown Paths is the English title of a 1949 novel by Norwegian author Knut Hamsun, and is seen as the author's attempt at proving his soundness of mind after his sanity was called into question. It was his last literary work. The book is part fiction, part diary, part an old man's apologia and part a pamphlet in …

In Under the Autumn Star, Nobel prize-winning author Knut Hamsun writes a novel magically permeated with the air and light of fall. The narrator, Knut Pedersen (Hamsun's real name) first joins forces with Grindhusen, a man blessed with the faith that "something will turn up," and later with Lars Falkenberg, whose …