Aura is a novel by Carlos Fuentes, first published in 1962 in Mexico. The first English translation, by Lysander Kemp, was published in 1965 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

«Смерть Арте́мио Кру́са» — роман мексиканского писателя Карлоса Фуэнтеса, опубликованный в 1962 году. В этой книге Карлос Фуэнтес дает обзор мучительной политической и экономической истории современной Мексики. «Смерть Артемио Круса» — самое значительное произведение писателя. Это история жизни бездомного парня, …

The Old Gringo is a novel by Carlos Fuentes, written from 1964 to 1984 and first published in 1985. Inspired by the historical disappearance of American writer Ambrose Bierce amidst the chaos of the Mexican Revolution, the novel addresses themes of death, cultural exchange, and Mexican identity, among others. Its …

Terra Nostra is a 1975 novel by the Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes. The narrative covers 20 centuries of European and American culture, and prominently features the construction of El Escorial by Philip II. The title is Latin for "Our earth". The novel received the Xavier Villaurrutia Award in 1976 and the Rómulo …