Satranç, Stefan Zweig'in Brezilya'daki sürgünde yazdığı ve en tanınmış eserlerindendir. İlk baskısı 250 adet olarak 1942 yılında Buenos Aires'de çıkan hikâyenin, İngilizce tercümesi 1944'te New York'ta yayımlandı. Satranç, Almanya 'da 1.200.000'den fazla sattı.

"Stefan Zweig was a dark and unorthodox artist; it's good to have him back."--Salman Rushdie The great Austrian writer Stefan Zweig was a master anatomist of the deceitful heart, and Beware of Pity, the only novel he published during his lifetime, uncovers the seed of selfishness within even the finest of …

The World of Yesterday is the autobiography of Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. It is considered the most famous book on the Habsburg Empire. He started writing it in 1934 when, anticipating Anschluss and Nazi persecution, he uprooted himself from Austria to England and later to Brazil. He posted the manuscript, typed by …

The factors that change the course of history are primarily the product of the contributions made by individual lives to the broad pattern of mortal existence. In his collection of 'historical miniatures,' Stefan Zweig celebrates the monumental power of the spirit to discover, to create, to transcend the limits …

The Post Office Girl is a novel by the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. It tells the story of Christine Hoflehner, a female post-office clerk in poverty-stricken Vienna, Austria-Hungary, following World War I. The book was published posthumously in 1982.

Following the death of her husband, a middle-aged Englishwoman travels through Europe to escape loneliness and boredom. One evening during her stay at the French Riviera, while enjoying the atmosphere of the Monte Carlo Casino, she becomes mesmerized by the obsessive gambling of a young Polish aristocrat. This fateful …

Fransa Krali XVI. Louis'nin karisi Marie Antoinette, ucariligi, savurganligi ve reform dusmanligiyla halkin gozunde yoz soylu tipinin simgesi olmus, Fransiz Devrimi'nden sonra yasaminin geri kalan bolumunu Paris hapishanelerinde gecirmis, 1793'te Devrim Mahkemesi'nce yargilanarak giyotinle idam edilmisti. Tarihsel …

Confusion, also known under the literal translation Confusion of Feelings, and as Episode in the Early Life of Privy Councillor D. is a 1927 novella by the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. It tells the story of a student and his friendship with a professor. It was originally published in the omnibus volume Conflicts: …