Information is endlessly available to us; where shall wisdom be found?" is the crucial question with which renowned literary critic Harold Bloom begins this impassioned book on the pleasures and benefits of reading well. For more than forty years, Bloom has transformed college students into lifelong readers with his …

Discussed and debated, revered and reviled, Bloom's tome reinvigorates and re-examines Western Literature, arguing against the politicization of reading. His erudite passion will encourage you to hurry and finish his book so you can pick up Shakespeare, Austen and Dickens once again to rediscover their original magic. …

Η αγωνία της επίδρασης: Μια θεωρία για την ποίηση είναι βιβλίο του Χάρολντ Μπλουμ, που εκδόθηκε για πρώτη φορά το 1973. Είναι το πρώτο από μια σειρά βιβλίων που προώθησαν μια νέα «αναθεωρητική» ή αντιθετική προσέγγιση στην κριτική της λογοτεχνίας. Η κεντρική θέση του Μπλουμ είναι ότι οι ποιητές παρεμποδίζονται στη …

Journeying from the Bible to twentieth-century writings, the distinguished literary critic and author of Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human explores the ways in which literature can transform and shape one's life, discussing such topics as the Book of Job and Ecclesiastes, Plato and Homer, St. Augustine, Freud …