A playful and inventive work from the bestselling author of SOPHIE'S WORLD. A box of Latin manuscripts comes to light in an Argentine flea market. An apocryphal invention by some 17th or 18th century scolar, or a transcript of what it appears to be - a hitherto unheard of letter to St Augustine to a woman he renounced …
Conversations about life and death, between a girl and an angel.It's almost Christmas. Cecilia lies sick in bed as her family bustle around her to make her last Christmas as special as possible. Cecilia has cancer. An angel steps through her window. So begins a spirited and engaging series of conversations between …
Sofiin svět, neboli román o dějinách filosofie je dílem norského autora Josteina Gaardera a poprvé vyšel v roce 1990. Dnes je přeložen do více než 50 jazyků a stal se světovým trhákem. Jedná se o román oscilující mezi filosofickou příručkou pro začátečníky a poutavým dětským příběhem. Autor se snaží přiblížit základní …
From the author of SOPHIE'S WORLD, 'A masterful mixture of fantasy and reality...a simply wonderful read' SHE.Panina Manina, a trapeze artist, falls and breaks her neck. As the ringmaster bends over her, he notices an amulet of amber around her neck, the same trinket he had given his own lost child, who was swept away …