image of Eugene O’Neill

Eugene O’Neill

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Anna Christie je hra Eugene O’Neilla, ktorá je rozdelená na štyri dejstvá. Táto hra mala debut v divadle Vanderbilt 2. novembra 1921. O'Neill za ňu v roku 1922 získal Pulitzerovu cenu. Anna Christie je príbeh o prostitútke, ktorá sa zamilovala, musela prekonať zložité situácie, rozhodla sa spoznať svojho otca a …

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Ah, Wilderness! is a comedy by American playwright Eugene O'Neill that premiered on Broadway at the Guild Theatre on 2 October 1933. It varies from a typical O'Neill play in its happy ending for the central character, and depiction of a happy family in turn of the century America. The play was successful in its first …

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