Alaston apina: Eläintieteilijän tutkimus eläimestä nimeltä ihminen on brittiläisen Desmond Morrisin vuonna 1967 julkaisema kirja. Teoksen suomensi Anto Leikola vuonna 1968. Kirjasta on otettu suomeksi yhdeksän painosta vuosina 1968–1996.

The Human Zoo is a book written by the British zoologist Desmond Morris, published in 1969. It is a follow-up to his earlier book The Naked Ape; both books examine how the biological nature of the human species has shaped the character of the cultures of the contemporary world. The Human Zoo examines the nature of …

The Naked Woman is a book by zoologist Desmond Morris. It describes the female body from an evolutionary point of view. It is divided in several chapters, each dedicated to a part of the body, from hair to foot. For each, Morris explains the structure and function of the part, discusses its evolution, the social …