If you have ever wondered what a civilized man of the twentieth century would do if catapulted into an Old Stone Age where huge cave bears, saber-toothed tigers, monstrous carnivorous dinosaurs, mammoths, and mastodons roamed the savage terrain, you need look no further than Land of Terror, the sixth installment of …
『時間に忘れられた国』は、エドガー・ライス・バローズによるアメリカのSF小説。全3部。太古世界シリーズ、キャスパック・シリーズというシリーズ名でも呼ばれる。 本項では、創元推理文庫版の表記に準ずる。
Tarzan: The Lost Adventure is a novel written by Joe R. Lansdale based on an incomplete fragment of a Tarzan novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs but left unfinished at his death. The book was serialized in four parts by Dark Horse Comics, before being published as a single volume in 1995.