Tarzan and the Lost Empire is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the twelfth in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. It was first published as a serial in Blue Book Magazine from October 1928 through February 1929; it first appeared in book form in a hardcover edition from Metropolitan Books in …
Tarzan ja kadonnut seikkailu on Edgar Rice Burroughsin keskeneräisestä käsikirjoituksesta muokattu Tarzan-seikkailu. Sen täydensi amerikkalainen scifi- ja kauhukirjailija Joe R. Lansdale. Sen julkaisi Yhdysvalloissa Dark Horse Comics vuonna 1995 kolmena viihdelehtiä jäljittelevänä vihkona. Tarzan jäljittää viidakkoon …
Tarzan and the Castaways is a collection of stories written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the twenty-fourth in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. In addition to the title novella, it includes two Tarzan short stories. Of the three pieces, "Tarzan and the Jungle Murders" was written first, in January …
Tarzan ja Oparin aarteet on Edgar Rice Burroughsin viides Tarzan-romaani. Tarina julkaistiin ensin All-Story Cavalier Weekly -lehden jatkosarjana marras - joulukuussa 1916. Kirjana sen julkaisi ensimmäisenä A. C. McClurg & Co. vuonna 1918. Suomeksi kirjan julkaisi Karisto A.J. Salosen suomentamana vuonna 1923. …
Tarzan at the Earth's Core is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, published in 1930. the thirteenth in his series of books about the title character Tarzan and the fourth in his series set in the interior world of Pellucidar.
Tarzan and the Tarzan Twins is a collection of two Tarzan novellas written by Edgar Rice Burroughs for younger readers. It was originally published as two children's books, The Tarzan Twins by Voland in October 1927, and Tarzan and the Tarzan Twins, with Jad-bal-ja, the Golden Lion, by Whitman in March 1936. These …
Tarzan and the Madman is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the twenty-third in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. Written from January–February 1940, the story was never published in Burroughs' lifetime. It was first published in hardcover by Canaveral Press in June 1964, and in paperback by …
Tarzan and the Lion Man is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the seventeenth in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. The novel was originally serialized in the magazine Liberty from November 1933 through January 1935. It is the closest thing to a pure comic novel in the Tarzan series, with …