Dolores Claiborne is a 1992 psychological thriller novel by Stephen King. The novel is narrated by the title character. Atypically for a King novel, it has no chapters, double-spacing between paragraphs, or other section breaks; thus the text is a single continuous narrative which reads like the transcription of a …
Duma Key is a novel by American novelist Stephen King published on January 22, 2008 by Scribner. The book reached #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List. It is King's first novel to be set in Florida or Minnesota. The dust jacket features holographic lettering.
An Amazon Best Book of November 2018: The first thing to note about Stephen King’s Elevation is that it is a short book—small and short. This being an online store, it is useful to point out that it will not land on your doorstep with the thud of a typical Stephen King novel. The second thing to note is that it is a …