“Long live the King” hailed Entertainment Weekly upon publication of Stephen King’s On Writing. Part memoir, part master class by one of the bestselling authors of all time, this superb volume is a revealing and practical view of the writer’s craft, comprising the basic tools of the trade every writer must have. …

Το Μίζερι είναι ένα από τα πιο γνωστά μυθιστορήματα του Αμερικανού συγγραφέα τρόμου Στίβεν Κινγκ. Κυκλοφόρησε πρώτη φορά στην Αμερική το 1987 και στην Ελλάδα δημοσιεύθηκε το 1994 από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Bell. Το 1990, ο Ρομπ Ράινερ σκηνοθέτησε την κινηματογραφική εκδοχή του βιβλίου, με τον ίδιο τίτλο. Πρωταγωνιστούσαν …

Κάρι ήταν το πρώτο μυθιστόρημα του Στίβεν Κινγκ που δημοσιεύθηκε. Αρχικά ήταν μια σύντομη ιστορία που ο Κινγκ πέταξε στα σκουπίδια, αλλά η σύζυγός του Τάμπιθα Κινγκ την μάζεψε και τον ώθησε να την συνεχίσει την ιστορία. Δημοσιεύθηκε από την Doubleday το 1974. Αποτελεί την ιστορία ενός αφελούς και χωρίς φίλους …

First published in 1983, Pet Sematary has since been regarded as one of Stephen King's most frightening and controversial novels. Daring to cross the boundaries of conventional fiction, King has woven a tale so fundamentally startling that he himself was hesitant for it to see the light of day upon its completion. A …

Το Salem's Lot είναι μυθιστόρημα του 1975, γραμμένο από τον συγγραφέα Στίβεν Κινγκ. Πρόκειται για το δεύτερο βιβλίο του συγγραφέα, μετά την "Κάρι", που εξέδωσε ο εκδοτικός οίκος Doubleday. Ο Κινγκ αρχικά είχε επιλέξει τον τίτλο Second Coming, τον οποίο διαδέχτηκε ο τίτλος Jerusalem's Lot, όμως ο εκδοτικός οίκος …

The next call you take could be your last in this terrifying #1 New York Times bestseller by Stephen King.WHERE WERE YOU ON OCTOBER 1ST AT 3:03 P.M.? Graphic artist Clay Riddell was in the heart of Boston on that brilliant autumn afternoon when hell was unleashed before his eyes. Without warning, carnage and chaos …

Bag of Bones is a 1998 novel by Stephen King. It focuses on an author who suffers severe writer's block and delusions at an isolated lake house four years after the death of his wife. It won the Bram Stoker Award for Best Novel in 1998, and the British Fantasy Award in 1999.The book re-uses many basic plot elements of …

Needful Things is a 1991 horror novel by American author Stephen King. It is the first novel King wrote after his rehabilitation from drugs and alcohol. According to the cover, it is "The Last Castle Rock Story". However, the town later serves as the setting for the short story "It Grows on You", published in King's …

The Eyes of the Dragon is a novel by Stephen King that was first published as a limited edition slipcased hardcover by Philtrum Press in 1984, illustrated by Kenneth R. Linkhauser. The novel would later be published for the mass market by Viking in 1987, with illustrations by David Palladini. This trade edition was …

The #1 bestseller—for King's rabid fans.It happens innocently enough, but doesn’t it always. A big, friendly dog chases a rabbit into a hidden underground cave—and stirs a sleeping evil crueler than death itself.A terrified four-year-old boy sees his bedroom closet door swing open untouched by human hands, and screams …