Other People's Trades are fifty-one essays written by Primo Levi between 1969 and 1985. These are, according to Levi, "the fruit of my roaming about as a curious dilettante for more than a decade." Mainly written for his regular column in La Stampa, the Turin daily newspaper], these essays range from book reviews, …
The Search for Roots: A Personal Anthology is a compilation of thirty pieces of prose and poetry selected by Italian-Jewish author and Holocaust survivor Primo Levi as part of an abortive project by his original Italian publisher Einaudi to identify the texts which most influenced major Italian writers.
The Black Hole of Auschwitz is a collection of essays by the Italian author Primo Levi. Originally published under the Italian title Asymmetry and Life it has two distinct halves. The first half, The Black Hole of Auschwitz is a collection of essays, often prefaces to other books, which make a plea against holocaust …