Ścieżki chwały – powieść, której autorem jest angielski pisarz Jeffrey Archer. Jest to historia George'a Mallory'ego, skromnego nauczyciela historii w Charterhouse, który być może zdobył Mount Everest przed Edmundem Hillarym. Jego marzeniem od czasów dzieciństwa było wejście na najwyższą górę świata. Jako jedyny wziął …

A Prisoner of Birth is a mystery novel by English author Jeffrey Archer, first published on 6 March 2008 by Macmillan. This book is a contemporary retelling of Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo. The novel saw Archer return to the first place in the fiction best-seller list for the first time in a decade.

Twelve Red Herrings is a 1994 short story collection by British writer and politician Jeffrey Archer. Archer challenges his readers to find "twelve red herrings", one in each story. The book reached #3 in the Canadian best-sellers list. J. K. Sweeney from Magill Book Reviews reviews the stories as "An attempt, it must …

To Cut a Long Story Short is a 2000 short story collection by British writer and politician Jeffrey Archer. Unlike his previous collections, which have contained 12 stories, this one has 15. A list of the featured stories is below. Death Speaks The Expert Witness The Endgame The Letter Crime Pays Chalk and Cheese A …