《老人与海》是海明威于1951年在古巴写的一篇中篇小说,于1952年出版。它是海明威创作并在他还在世时出版的最后一部主要的虚构作品。作为他最著名的作品之一,它围绕一位老年古巴渔夫,与一条巨大的马林鱼在离岸很远的湾流中搏斗。虽然对它有不同的文学评价,但它在20世纪小说和海明威的作品中是值得注目的,奠定了他在世界文学中的突出地位,这篇小说相继获得了1953年美国普利策奖和1954年诺贝尔文学奖。 …

太阳照常升起,又译《妾似朝阳又照君》,是美国诺贝尔文学奖得主欧内斯特·海明威于1926年创作的小说,讲述一群美国、英国侨民从巴黎旅行至西班牙的潘普洛纳,观赏当地圣费尔明节奔牛、斗牛的故事。作为现代主义小说的先锋和不朽名作,它自出版之日起就得到各式各样的评价。海明威传记作者Jeffrey Meyers写道这部小说“被认为是海明威最伟大的作品”,而海明威研究学者Linda Wagner-Martin称这部小说为海明威最重要的小说作品。《太阳照常升起》在1926年10月由出版公司斯克里布纳之子公司于美国出版。一年后英国出版公司Jonathan Cape在英格兰出版了这部小说,书名为《Fiesta》。此后这部小说接连再版。 …

《永別了,武器》,又譯《戰地春夢》,是美國作家歐內斯特·海明威於1929年寫成的半自傳體小說。海明威用精鍊的語言,以第一次世界大戰為背景,批判了戰爭的荒謬、虛無和非理性。小說以第一次世界大戰中在義大利軍中作戰的美籍救護車司機中尉弗利德利克·亨利的角度進行敘事。書名取自16世紀劇英國作家喬治·皮爾的一首詩。 …

In this definitive collection of Ernest Hemingway's short stories, readers will delight in the author's most beloved classics such as "The Snows of Kilimanjaro," "Hills Like White Elephants," and "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place," and will discover seven new tales published for the first time in this collection. For …

The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories is a collection of short stories by Ernest Hemingway, published in 1961. The title story is considered by some to be the best story Hemingway ever wrote. All the stories were earlier published in The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories in 1938. The collection …

Hemingway's Classic Novel About Smuggling, Intrigue, and Love To Have and Have Not is the dramatic story of Harry Morgan, an honest man who is forced into running contraband between Cuba and Key West as a means of keeping his crumbling family financially afloat. His adventures lead him into the world of the wealthy …

THIS COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES AND VIGNETTES MARKED ERNEST HEMINGWAY'S AMERICAN DEBUT AND MADE HIM FAMOUS When In Our Time was published in 1925, it was praised by Ford Madox Ford, John Dos Passos, and F. Scott Fitzgerald for its simple and precise use of language to convey a wide range of complex emotions, and it …

The Garden of Eden is the second posthumously released novel of Ernest Hemingway, published in 1986. Begun in 1946, Hemingway worked on the manuscript for the next 15 years, during which time he also wrote The Old Man and the Sea, The Dangerous Summer, A Moveable Feast, and Islands in the Stream.