Dødens Lærling er den fjerde roman i Terry Pratchetts Diskverden-serie, oprindeligt udgivet i 1987. Den er den første bog i serien til at sætte fokus på Døden, der indtil Mort kun har optrådt som en biperson i bøgerne. Titlen er navnet på bogens hovedperson, grev Mortimer af Sto Helit, men er samtidig en leg med ord; …

Eric, also known as Faust Eric, is the ninth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett. It was originally published in 1990 as a "Discworld story", in a larger format than the other novels and illustrated by Josh Kirby. It was later reissued as a normal paperback without any illustrations, and in some cases, with the title …

Feet of Clay is the nineteenth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett, published in 1996. The story follows the members of the City Watch, as they attempt to solve murders apparently committed by a golem, as well as the unusual poisoning of the Patrician, Lord Vetinari. The title is a figure of speech from Hebrew …

Going Postal is Terry Pratchett's 33rd Discworld novel, released in the United Kingdom on 25 September 2004. Unlike most of Pratchett's Discworld novels, Going Postal is divided into chapters, a feature previously seen only in Pratchett's children's books and the Science of Discworld series. These chapters begin with …