image of Мэри Рено

Мэри Рено

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The Charioteer is a 1953 war novel by Mary Renault. It was first published in the United States in 1959. The Charioteer is significant because it features a prominent gay theme at an early date and quickly became a bestseller within the gay community.

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The Last of the Wine is Mary Renault's first novel set in ancient Greece, the setting that would become her most important arena. The novel was published in 1956 and is the second of her works to feature male homosexuality as a major theme. It was a bestseller within the gay community. The book is a portrait of Athens …

... Unknown

The Persian Boy is a 1972 historical novel written by Mary Renault and narrated by Bagoas, a young Persian from an aristocratic family who is captured by his father's enemies, castrated, and sold as a slave to the king Darius III, who makes him his favorite. Eventually he becomes the lover and most faithful servant of …

... Unknown

The Praise Singer is a historical novel by Mary Renault first published in 1978. Its narrator and main character is the real-life lyric poet Simonides of Keos, whose life spanned the transition from an oral to a written culture in Ancient Greece. Renault's fiction argues that this transition was in part responsible …

... Unknown

«Маска Аполлона» — роман британской писательницы Мэри Рено, написанный в 1966 году. Действие произведения разворачивается в Древней Греции, преимущественно Афинах и Сиракузах, вскоре после завершения Пелопоннесской …

... Unknown

«Царь должен умереть» — роман британской писательницы Мэри Рено, написанный в 1958 году. Действие произведения разворачивается в период микенской эпохи в Тройзене, Элевсине, Афинах, в Кноссе на Крите и острове Наксос. «Царь должен умереть» — первый роман дилогии «Тесей», в котором жизнь героя от ранних лет до …