image of 简·奥斯汀


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This new collection of Austen's brilliant short fiction is the first annotated edition of her short writings. The texts have been compared with the manuscripts to give a number of new readings. In addition to prose fiction and prayers, this collection contains many of her poems written to amuse and console her …

... Unknown

This new collection of Austen's brilliant short fiction is the first annotated edition of her short writings. The texts have been compared with the manuscripts to give a number of new readings. In addition to prose fiction and prayers, this collection contains many of her poems written to amuse and console her …

... Unknown

Introduction by A. S. Byatt. The first-ever full-color facsimile edition of one of Jane Austen's early works, with delightful portraits painted by her sister Cassandra, followed by a transcribed version of the text. Sixteen-year-old Jane describes herself as "a partial, prejudiced, and ignorant historian," and her …

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《劝导》,是英国小说家珍·奥斯汀的最后一部小说。奥斯丁在完成《爱玛》后很快就开始创作《劝导》,并于1816年完成。1817年,41岁的奥斯丁去世。次年,本书与《诺桑觉寺》一起以四卷本的形式出版。和《诺桑觉寺》一样,本书的很多场景也发生在著名的度假地巴斯。 …

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《曼斯菲尔德庄园》,是英国小说家简·奥斯丁的小说。1812年至1814年间写于查顿,并于1814年由出版了《傲慢与偏见》和《理智与情感》的Mr. Egerton出版。第二版则由后来出版了《爱玛》的John …

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