《Q&A》是印度外交官维卡斯·史瓦卢普所写的第一本小说,于2005年出版。小说场景设在印度,描述贫穷的年轻服务生罗摩·穆罕穆德·汤玛士成为益智节目“百万富翁”史上最大奖的得主的同时,在没有证据及证人的情况下被指控作弊而被逮捕,后来他向解救他的女律师陈述事实,才知道12道题目的背后是他的人生历程。本书被改编成为2008年的知名电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》。 …

Six Suspects is the second novel by Vikas Swarup, an Indian diplomat and author of The New York Times bestseller Q&A. It was published by Transworld in 2008 and in the US by Minotaur Books in 2009 and has been optioned for a film by Starfield Productions and the BBC. In 2005, Swarup's first novel, Q&A, was …