«Время перемен» — фантастический роман американского писателя Роберта Силверберга, опубликованный в 1971 году. Тогда же удостоен премии «Небьюла» как лучшее произведение в своём жанре. Роман также находился в шорт-листе премии Хьюго, но не получил …

Shadrach in the Furnace is a science fiction novel by American writer Robert Silverberg, first published by Bobbs Merrill in 1976. The novel was nominated in 1976 for the Nebula award, and in 1977 for the Hugo award. The story takes place in 2012, and is set in Ulaanbaatar, that has become the world capital. The main …

“Intelligent and engaging science fiction” set against the backdrop of an environmental apocalypse from the SF Grand Master (The Washington Post). Not so very far in the future, the icecaps have melted and many coastal communities have been flooded out. The ozone layer is destroyed. Some areas are livable with …