A Csillagközi invázió Robert A. Heinlein 1959-ben kiadott regénye. A regény első személyben lett írva. A cselekmény egy fiatal katona, Juan „Jonnie” Rico körül folyik, és leírja fejlődését a mobil gyalogság egy fiatal kadétjaként, majd kiképzett katonájaként, végül pedig tisztként fejezi be. A történet nagyobb része a …
Beyond This Horizon is a science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein. It was originally published as a two-part serial in Astounding Science Fiction and then as a single volume by Fantasy Press in 1948.
Between Planets is a science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein, originally serialized in Blue Book magazine in 1951 as "Planets in Combat". It was published in hardcover that year by Scribner's as part of the Heinlein juveniles.
Assignment in Eternity, is a collection of four mixed science fiction and fantasy novellas by Robert A. Heinlein, first published in hardcover by Fantasy Press in 1953, with some of the stories somewhat revised from their original magazine publications, as follows: Gulf. Lost Legacy Elsewhen, Jerry Was a Man Heinlein …
Assignment in Eternity, is a collection of four mixed science fiction and fantasy novellas by Robert A. Heinlein, first published in hardcover by Fantasy Press in 1953, with some of the stories somewhat revised from their original magazine publications, as follows: Gulf. Lost Legacy Elsewhen, Jerry Was a Man Heinlein …