Voci fuori campo è un romanzo di Ali Smith pubblicato nel 2005. Il romanzo ha vinto il Whitbread Award ed è stato finalista al Booker Prize. Il libro segue una famiglia inglese benestante che viene indesideratamente visitada da Amber mentre sono in vancanza in un piccolo villaggio del Norfolk. L'arrivo di Amber ha un …

Hotel World is a postmodern novel, influenced by modernist novels, written by Ali Smith. The novel portrays the stages of grief in relation to the passage of time. It won both the Scottish Arts Council Book Award and the Encore Award.

Girl Meets Boy is a 2007 novel by Scottish author Ali Smith and published by Canongate in the Canongate Myth Series. It was one of the 'best books of 2007' according to critics at The Independent.

The First Person and Other Stories is a short story collection by Scottish Booker-shortlisted author Ali Smith, first published in 2008. It contains 12 stories :- "True Short Story" A discussion between two men in a cafe discussing the relative merits of novels and short stories is overheard. The narrator rings a …