Flickan från ovan är en roman från 2002 av Alice Sebold. I Sverige utgavs den av Wahlström & Widstrand år 2003 i översättning av Lisbet Holst. Romanen blev snabbt en bästsäljare i USA, där den sålts i flera miljoner exemplar.

Lucky is a 1999 memoir by Alice Sebold, author of The Lovely Bones. The memoir describes her experiences of being raped and how the experience shaped the rest of her life.

A woman steps over the line into the unthinkable in this brilliant, powerful, and unforgettable new novel by the author of The Lovely Bones and Lucky. For years Helen Knightly has given her life to others: to her haunted mother, to her enigmatic father, to her husband and now grown children. When she finally crosses a …