A Maze of Death is a 1970 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. Like many of Dick's novels, it portrays what appears to be a drab and harsh off-world human colony and explores the difference between reality and perception. It is, however, one of his few to examine the human death instinct and capacity for murder …
『流れよ我が涙、と警官は言った』は、アメリカのSF作家フィリップ・K・ディックのSFサスペンス小説。 1974年に発表され、翌1975年に ジョン・W・キャンベル記念賞を受賞した。同年のネビュラ賞最終候補にも挙がっていた。日本では1981年に友枝康子によって翻訳され、サンリオSF文庫から刊行された。1989年にハヤカワ文庫から『流れよわが涙、と警官は言った』の題名で再刊、2013年にハヤカワ文庫・新装版が刊行された。 …
The Divine Invasion is a BSFA Award nominated 1981 science fiction book by Philip K. Dick. It is the second book in the gnostic VALIS trilogy, and takes place in the indeterminate future, perhaps a century or more after VALIS. It was originally titled, "Valis Regained". After the fall of Masada in 74 AD, God, or "Yah" …
Eye in the Sky is a science fiction novel written by Philip K. Dick and originally published in 1957. The title refers to the gigantic, all-seeing eye of God; at least, that is, as a manifestation of one Arthur Silvester's personal worldview. He is an elderly schismatic Bábí World War II army veteran whose inner life …