A new-look printing of Agatha Christie's `most absorbing mystery' to mark the 25th anniversary of her death. Agatha Christie died on 12 January 1976, having become the best-selling novelist in history. Her autobiography, published in 1977 a year after her death, tells of her fascinating private life, from early …
Varjossa auringon alla on Agatha Christien kirjoittama salapoliisiromaani, joka ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran Britanniassa kesäkuussa 1941. Se ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran suomeksi 1962 WSOY:n kustantamana. Hercule Poirot ratkaisee romaanissa englantilaisella lomasaarella tapahtuneen murhan.
In Agatha Christie’s classic, Five Little Pigs, beloved detective Hercule Poirot races to solve a case from out of the past.Beautiful Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, but just like the nursery rhyme, there were five other “little pigs” who could have done it: Philip Blake (the stockbroker), who …