image of 阿兰·霍灵赫斯特


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The Folding Star is a 1994 novel by Alan Hollinghurst.

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The Spell is a 1998 novel by British author Alan Hollinghurst.

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The Stranger's Child is the fifth novel by Alan Hollinghurst. The book tells the story of a minor poet, Cecil Valance, who is killed in the First World War. In 1913 he visits a Cambridge friend, George Sawle, at the latter's home in Stanmore, Middlesex. While there Valance writes a poem entitled 'Two Acres', about the …

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The Swimming-Pool Library is a 1988 novel by Alan Hollinghurst.

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《美丽线条》是阿兰·霍灵赫斯特于2004年出版的小说。这部小说在体裁上与亨利·詹姆斯相似,描述了20世纪80年代玛格丽特·撒切尔执政时期,牛津大学毕业生尼克·盖斯特的生活,同性恋爱经历,以及他同伦敦上层社会的友谊。该书获得了2004年度布克奖。 …