Марсіанські хроніки — збірка фантастичних оповідань, які висвітлюють майбутню колонізацію Марса людьми, що прилетіли зі спустошеної Землі, а також боротьбу марсіанських аборигенів з колоністами. Видана у 1950 році. Зміст книги — дещо середнє між збіркою коротких оповідань та епізодичних новел, включаючи вперше …

I Sing the Body Electric! is a 1969 collection of short stories by Ray Bradbury. The book takes its name from an included short story of the same title, which took the title from a poem by Walt Whitman published in his collection Leaves of Grass.

Farewell Summer is a novel by Ray Bradbury, published on October 17, 2006. It was his last novel released in his lifetime. It is a sequel to his 1957 novel Dandelion Wine, and is set during an Indian summer in October 1929. The story concerns a mock war between the young and the old in Green Town, Illinois, and the …

The Illustrated Man is a 1951 book of eighteen science fiction short stories by Ray Bradbury that explores the nature of mankind. A recurring theme throughout the eighteen stories is the conflict of the cold mechanics of technology and the psychology of people. It was nominated for the International Fantasy Award in …

Death Is a Lonely Business is a mystery novel by Ray Bradbury published in 1985. The story, set in 1959, is about a series of murders that happen in Venice, California, then a declining seaside community in Los Angeles where Bradbury lived from 1942 to 1950. The main character and narrator is a sensitive, modest …

Dark Carnival is a short story collection, the debut book of Ray Bradbury, first published October 1947 by Arkham House. It has had numerous reprints.

Something Wicked This Way Comes is a 1962 fantasy novel by Ray Bradbury. It is about 13-year-old best friends, Jim Nightshade and William Halloway, and their nightmarish experience with a traveling carnival that comes to their Midwestern town on one October. The carnival's leader is the mysterious "Mr. Dark" who …