Quicker Than the Eye is a collection of short stories by American writer Ray Bradbury, published nearly a decade after his last collection.
Green Shadows, White Whale is a 1992 novel by Ray Bradbury. It gives a fictionalized account of his journey to Ireland in 1953-1954 to write a screen adaptation of the novel Moby-Dick with director John Huston. Bradbury has said he wrote it after reading actress Katharine Hepburn's account of filming The African Queen …
たんぽぽのお酒 (文学のおくりもの 1) 内容(「BOOK」データベースより) 輝く夏の陽ざしのなか、12歳の少年ダグラスはそよ風にのって走る。その多感な心にきざまれる数々の不思議な事件と黄金の夢…。夏のはじめに仕込んだタンポポのお酒一壜一壜にこめられた、少年の愛と孤独と夢と成長の物語。「イメージの魔術師」ブラッドベリがおくる少年ファンタジーの永遠の名作。12歳からみんな。 …
A Graveyard for Lunatics: Another tale of two cities is a mystery novel by Ray Bradbury, published in 1990. It is the second in a series of three mystery novels that Bradbury wrote featuring a fictionalized version of the author himself as the unnamed narrator. The novel is set in 1954, when the narrator is working as …