How do you handle an encounter with Medusa on the New Jersey interstate? What's the best way to take down a minotaur? Become an expert on everything in Percy's world with this must-have guide to the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Complete with interviews, puzzles, games, and original short stories by Rick …

The Serpent's Shadow is a 2013 fantasy adventure novel based on Egyptian mythology written by Rick Riordan. It is the third and final novel in The Kane Chronicles series. It was published by Disney Hyperion on May 1, 2012.

LA Times BestsellerPetaluma’s Copperfield’s Book Store Top Selling TitlesBarnes & Noble’s Best Beach ReadsWALL STREET JOURNAL-BEST SELLERSHindustan Times-Nielsen Top 10Lagi-lagi kaisar jahat. Apollo bosan (ketakutan juga, sebenarnya). Dia harus menyelamatkan Oracle ketiga yang disekap dalam kepungan Labirin Api …

At last, the breathtaking, action-packed finale of the #1 bestselling Trials of Apollo series is here!Will the Greek god Apollo, cast down to earth in the pathetic moral form of a teenager named Lester Papadopoulos, finally regain his place on Mount Olympus?Lester's demigod friends at Camp Jupiter just helped him …

Titan'ın Laneti, Percy Jackson & Olimposlular serisinin üçüncü kitabıdır. Yazarı Rick Riordan olan kitabın birinci Türkçe baskısı 2009 yılında Doğan Egmont Yayıncılık tarafından yapılmıştır.

How do you punish an immortal? By making him human. After angering his father Zeus, the god Apollo is cast down from Olympus. Weak and disoriented, he lands in New York City as a regular teenage boy. Now, without his godly powers, the four-thousand-year-old deity must learn to survive in the modern world until he can …

Percy Jackson & Olimposlular serisinin birinci kitabıdır. Rick Riordan'ın yazarı olduğu serinin ilk kitabının birinci baskısı Şubat 2009'da Doğan Egmont Yayıncılık tarafından yapılmıştır. Perseus Jackson birçok kez okuldan atılmış, hiperaktif, disleksik bir çocuktur. Annesi Sally Jackson ve kendi tanımıyla Kokarca …