Jack and Jill: A Village Story by Louisa May Alcott, is a children's book originally published in 1880. It takes place in a small New England town after the Civil War. The story of two good friends named Jack and Janey, Jack and Jill tells of the aftermath of a serious sledding accident.

Under the Lilacs is a children's novel by Louisa May Alcott, first published in 1878. The story is about two girls, Bab and Betty Moss, Miss Celia, a circus runaway, Ben Brown, and his dog Sancho.

نساء صغيرات رواية للمؤلفة الأمريكية لويزا ماي ألكوت. كتبت المجموعة في منزل الأسرة، دار البستان، في كونكورد، ماساتشوستس، فقد نشرت في جزأين عام 1868 و1869. وتتابع القصة حياة أربع شقيقات ميج، جو، بيث وآمي ومارش، وهي مقتبسة عن تجارب طفولة الكاتبة مع شقيقاتها الثلاث. صادف الجزء الأول من الكتاب نجاحاً تجارياً ونقدياً …

Hospital Sketches is a compilation of four sketches based on letters Louisa May Alcott sent home during the six weeks she spent as a volunteer nurse for the Union Army during the American Civil War in Georgetown.

Work: A Story of Experience, first published in 1873, is a semi-autobiographical novel by Louisa May Alcott, the author of Little Women, set in the times before and after the American Civil War. It is one of "several nineteenth-century novels [which] uncovers the changes in women's work in the new industrial era, as …