"Dienu putas" ir Borisa Viāna 1947. gadā publicēts romāns. Tas ir uzrakstīts pasakas veidā un veltīts mākslinieka pirmajai sievai Mišelai. Grāmata tika uzrakstīta lai piedalītos trešajā Plejādes balvas konkursā, kur gan uzvarēja Žana Grožana poēmu krājums Laika zeme. Rakstnieka dzīves laikā romāns palika neievērots, …

Written under Vian’s famous “Vernon Sullivan” pseudonym, I Spit on Your Graves tells the story of a “white negro” who avenges his murdered brother with a series of killings in a small town in the deep south. A bestseller in France, the book was notoriously used as a model for a copycat killing.

Autumn in Peking is a 1947 novel by the French writer Boris Vian. The French critic Bruno Maillé has described it as a surrealist novel, something the surrealists themselves ardently denied.

The Dead All Have the Same Skin is a 1947 crime novel by the French writer Boris Vian. It tells the story of a mixed Black-White American, who manages to have a career in "white society" without anyone knowing of his origin; when his black half-brother turns up and tries to blackmail him by threatening to reveal his …