image of Дуглас Адамс

Дуглас Адамс

... Unknown

At the centre of the galaxy, an unknown civilization is preparing for an event of epic proportions, the launch of the most technologically advanced spaceship ever built - the Starship Titanic. The ship that cannot possibly go wrong.

... Unknown

«Книга всеобщих заблуждений» — книга, написанная Джоном Ллойдом русск. для популяризации британской телепрограммы QI. Позже была выпущена целая серия подобных книг. В «Книге…» содержится перечень ложных фактов, которые часть людей считает …

... Unknown

And Another Thing... is the sixth installment of Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "trilogy". The book, written by Eoin Colfer, author of the Artemis Fowl series, was published on the thirtieth anniversary of the first book, 12 October 2009, in hardback. It was published by Penguin Books in the UK …

... Unknown