Today, buffeted by one food fad after another, America is suffering from what can only be described as a national eating disorder. Will it be fast food tonight, or something organic? Or perhaps something we grew ourselves? The question of what to have for dinner has confronted us since man discovered fire. But as …
Because in the so-called Western diet, food has been replaced by nutrients, and common sense by confusion—most of what we’re consuming today is longer the product of nature but of food science. The result is what Michael Pollan calls the American Paradox: The more we worry about nutrition, the less healthy we see to …
《욕망하는 식물》은 저술가이자 환경운동가인 마이클 폴란이 쓴 역사적, 진화론적 식물학 논픽션으로, 소위 ‘길들여진’ 식물의 본성을 인간과 식물 양쪽의 시각으로 탐구하는 책이다. 이 책에는 네 가지의 식물, 즉 사과와 튤립, 대마초와 감자가 주요 소재로 등장한다. 이들은 인간이 식물을 재배 과정에서 인위선택하거나, 유전공학을 이용한 변이를 통해 실현된 네 가지 인간의 욕망을 상징하는 것으로, 사과는 달콤함에 대한 욕망, 튤립은 아름다움, 대마초는 도취, 감자는 지배의 욕망을 나타낸다. 폴란은 각 장을 대표하는 식물과 관련된 자신의 경험담을 이야기하며 그것들은 그 식물 …
Second Nature: A Gardener's Education was Michael Pollan's first book. It is a collection of essays about gardening arranged by seasons. It is listed in the American Horticultural Society's 75 Great American Garden Books.
A Place of My Own: The Education of an Amateur Builder was Michael Pollan's second book, after Second Nature: A Gardener's Education. In 2008 it was re-released and re-titled as A Place of My Own: The Architecture of Daydreams. The book begins by outlining how Michael reached the decision to build a "writers house", …
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The instant New York Times bestseller | A Washington Post Notable Book | One of NPR's Best Books of the Year “Expert storytelling . . . [Pollan] masterfully elevates a series of big questions about drugs, plants and humans that are likely to leave readers thinking in new ways.”—New York Times Book Review From #1 New …
**Now a docu-series streaming on Netflix, starring Pollan as he explores how cooking transforms food and shapes our world. Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney executive produces the four-part series based on Pollan's book, and each episode will focus on a different natural element: fire, water, air, and earth. **In …