Pattern Recognition is a novel by science fiction writer William Gibson published in 2003. Set in August and September 2002, the story follows Cayce Pollard, a 32-year-old marketing consultant who has a psychological sensitivity to corporate symbols. The action takes place in London, Tokyo, and Moscow as Cayce judges …

Count Zero is a science fiction novel written by William Gibson, originally published 1986. It is the second volume of the Sprawl trilogy, which begins with Neuromancer and concludes with Mona Lisa Overdrive, and is a canonical example of the cyberpunk subgenre. Count Zero was serialized by Isaac Asimov's Science …

Zenumagiër is een roman uit 1984 geschreven door de Amerikaanse schrijver William Gibson. Het boek staat bekend als de eerste roman uit het zogenaamde cyberpunk-genre, en won de Nebula Award, de Philip K. Dick Award, en de Hugo Award. Het boek was Gibsons debuutroman, en het eerste deel van de Sprawl-trilogie.

All Tomorrow's Parties is the third and final novel in William Gibson's Bridge trilogy. Like its predecessors, All Tomorrow's Parties is a speculative fiction novel set in a postmodern, dystopian, postcyberpunk future. The novel borrows its title from a song by Velvet Underground. It is written in the third person and …