image of James Joyce

James Joyce

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Stephen Hero is a posthumously-published autobiographical novel by Irish author James Joyce. Its published form reflects only a portion of an original manuscript, part of which was lost. Many of its ideas were used in composing A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. James Joyce (2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941) …

... Unknown

"The Dead" is the final short story in the 1914 collection Dubliners by James Joyce. It is the longest story in the collection at 15,672 words.

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Dublinčani je zbirka petnajstih kratkih zgodb irskega pisatelja Jamesa Joycea, ki je izšla leta 1914. Čeprav je zgodbe napisal že leta prej, ko jih je začel ponujati založbam, ga je ogromno založb zavrnilo. To je njegovo prvo objavljeno delo. Joyce je štel šele triindvajset let, a je bil že pri tej starosti popolnima …

... Unknown

In Chapelizod, a suburb of Dublin, an innkeeper and his family are sleeping. Around them and their dreams there swirls a vortex of world history, of ambition and failure, desire and transgression, pride and shame, rivalry and conflict, gossip and mystery.

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James Joyce's astonishing masterpiece, Ulysses, tells of the diverse events which befall Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus in Dublin on 16 June 1904, during which Bloom's voluptuous wife, Molly, commits adultery. Initially deemed obscene in England and the USA, this richly-allusive novel, revolutionary in its …

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Dublinčani je zbirka petnajstih kratkih zgodb irskega pisatelja Jamesa Joycea, ki je izšla leta 1914. Čeprav je zgodbe napisal že leta prej, ko jih je začel ponujati založbam, ga je ogromno založb zavrnilo. To je njegovo prvo objavljeno delo. Joyce je štel šele triindvajset let, a je bil že pri tej starosti popolnima …

... Unknown

This fictionalised portrait of Joyce1s youth is one of the most vivid accounts of the growth from childhood to adulthood. Dublin at the turn of the century provides the backdrop as Stephen Dedalus moves from town and society, towards the irrevocable decision to leave. It was the decision made by Joyce himself which …