image of John Banville

John Banville

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Ghosts is a novel by Irish writer John Banville. Published in 1993, it was his first novel since The Book of Evidence, which was shortlisted for the Booker Prize. The second in what Banville described as a "triptych", to make "an investigation of the way in which the imagination works." This novel features many of the …

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Kepler is a novel by John Banville, first published in 1981. In Kepler Banville recreates Prague despite never having been there when he wrote it. A historical novel, it won the 1981 Guardian Fiction Prize.

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Neste romance John Banville constrói uma narrativa emocionante trabalhando a linguagem como um grande artista. Em 'O mar' Banville conta uma história com vários momentos na qual o narrador Max Morden procura viver o presente e o futuro no passado na busca por recuperar-se da constante presença da morte.

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A work of dazzling imagination, Mefisto, like John Banville's other novels, takes as its theme the price the true scientist or artist must pay for his calling in terms of his own humanity, his ability to live fully. Like his Copernicus, Kepler, and the nameless narrator of The Newton Letter, the central character of …

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Shroud is a 2002 novel by John Banville. It is part of the Alexander and Cass Cleave Trilogy along with the novels Eclipse, published in 2000, and Ancient Light, published in 2012.